In Larry’s honor, there will be a special “Orleans & Friends” show on Nov. 11 (Sunday) at the Mercy Lounge, One Cannery Row, in Nashville. Showtime is 7:30 p.m. with a $20 minimum donation. Tickets will be sold online and at the door.
Many local and regional artists, who are also longtime friends of Orleans, will join them on stage. Artists scheduled to appear include Jimi Jamison, John Ford Coley, Henry Paul (Blackhawk), Jonell Mosser, Kathie Baillie & Michael Bonagura (Baillie & the Boys), Bill Lloyd (Foster & Lloyd), Alyssa Bonagura and Pete Huttlinger. The Boy Wonder Blues Band will open.
All performers are donating their time and talent. All net proceeds will benefit the Hoppen family, especially Larry’s teenage daughters, Maeve and Claire. Additional donations are welcome. Checks can be made out to Hoppen Family Benefit Fund.
Orleans, now in its 40th year, was scheduled to appear on the Fox & Friends Summer Concert TV Series just a few days after Hoppen’s death. They also had previously scheduled a string of summer and fall shows. While there was no way to salvage the Fox TV appearance, brother and co-founder Lance Hoppen vowed to finish their calendar of 2012 concert dates in Larry’s honor. To accomplish this, Orleans’ mainstays Lance and Lane Hoppen, Dennis “Fly” Amero, and Charlie Morgan welcomed returning co-founder, John Hall, who had taken leave to serve as a U.S. Congressman (2007-2010, D-NY 19), for several well-received shows this past August, September and October. The calendar of live shows concludes with this benefit concert in Nashville on Nov. 11.
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